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Friday, July 10, 2015

5 tips on how to put yourself in the mood to craft for Youtube Crafters/ Tutorial makers/ Artists

You know yesterday I just wasn't feeling it, I didn't feel like crafting. Not that i felt lazy or uninspired, I knew exactly what I wanted to make and what needed to be filmed but I couldn't find my center. Today, I'm feeling it mainly because I put myself in the mood to craft. As a youtuber and blogger how did I do this you may ask? WELL! Today, I'll tell you exactly how I did this in these 5 simple tips.

 Tip One: Turn on your computer to stream youtube videos in relation to what you're doing. Sometimes your competition can amp you up or sometimes other crafters can get you excited to want to finish your craft or get in the mood to craft. Personality for me it's like "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! MUAHAHAHAH!" so I get in this mood to crush all of my competition lolz when really you're only in competition with yourself.

Tip Two: Make a playlist of Hip Hop Classical Music. If you like classical music you can play the boring version but personality i need that extra UMF in that drum beat to keep focus. Or you can simply make a playlist of youtube videos you want to listen to in the background, i do that too!

Tip Three: Google Search inspiration. There's that drive again! You're only in competition with yourself but you feel you need to put the smack down on those other youtubers/artists/crafters, googling other artist's work or simply looking at pictures of things you like can really put you in the mood to work.

Tip Four: Make a check off list. This tip is SOOOO BORING BUT....but...and here's the big butt, you should make a list, if it's really long, you need to follow these tips to get in the mood to get them done, if it's really short.... well play hooky. I shouldn't be telling you to put off your work but seriously think about how urgent it is and taking a break to relax is not going to kill if it does well sorry o_o.

Tip Five: Relax. Yes, relax rest your mind. Simple as that do things that relaxes you or calms you or makes you forget your worries and your strife. ((Lolz, Bear-nescities ))

I hope this all helps because this really helps me when I need to get into the mood to make another youtube tutorial. :D Later days!

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